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Beefy Brands

"Legit use mine every single day."

- Andrew (Arvada, CO)

"The Classic American Cup."

- Beefy Brands (Fort Collins, CO)

"Finally said NO to Debby's Dinky Cups."

- Chadd (Flagstaff, AZ)
Introducing Beefy™ Cups

No Frills. Just Big, Simple Cups For the Everyday.

Finally Here. Order Today! Shop Now
Ramen & Noodles & Pho. Oh my.

Beefy Bowls are the ultimate Asian Soup Bowls. Exactly what you need when all your bowls are too damn small. Made with a sustainable bamboo blend and designed to be your go-to bowl for everything -- soup, noodles, noodles, salad, & horrible haircuts.

Buy Beefy bowls

Up to 25% off. Just add 2X to cart.

Save Big w/ 8-Packs.

Save With More Beefy Cups

Our Best Seller Variety Pack. All for $32.

Mix 'Em Up.

Buy Variety Pack
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- Janine S., March 2022 (Durango, Colorado)

"Super fun, unique,& easy gift. My bf LOVED them."

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Recent Feedback From Our Customers:

These a small sample from our real customers. They wrote in and told us their reviews.

“These are a serious upgrade from the years-old grody stadium cups we had! I use one in the morning for my shake, one all day for water and one at night for the milk for my cookies. Not even a joke.”

Jan 2022, JR R.NYC, New York

“I never thought I’d say this about a cup, but damn. I love these things.”

Feb 2022, Kevin D.Washington D.C.

”I’ve finally got my go to lounging-by-the-pool cup. No risk of broken glass and minimal trips into the house for refills. Happy to no longer be filling my garbage with solo cups.”

Mar. 2022, Scott C.Pretoria, South Africa

”Dude, I use these legit EVERY. DAY.”

Mar. 2022, Nathan R.Bloomington, Indiana

You have cups like this? We did too.

Upgrade To Beefy Cups

You're right. It's time.

What exactly is Beefy Brands?

Find Out More

We are making homeware that isn't blah.

Beefy Brands is set on creating unique, beefy-sized homeware options in a space that's often bland and dinky. Our first line of products are Beefy Cups -- big cups you use to lounge around the house. We have more products and designs on the way!

Frequently Asked Questions:

We are based in Colorado, USA. We ship out from Colorado. We produce our products in Pennsylvania.

Right now we cover shipping to the US48 as part of our launch promo. If a product is delivered in defect, contact us and we'll sort you out. We aren't accepting non-defect returns as our products are food related. Just contact us.

Return Policy

We do, but the case is you have to cover shipping costs. There are also some fees associated with customs that might cost you extra as well, depending on your country of residence's policies.

A big YES. We have a whole line of products coming down the pipeline. The best way to know more is to follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our Newsletter.

Read about The Beefy Mission

Full Origin Story (Re-enacted, duh)

Mommy, Where Do Beefy Cups Come From?

American Owned

Designed and produced right here in the USA. Our team is focused on your satisfaction. Feel free to reach out.

Who We Are

Quality Minded

All of our products are made to be BEEFY -> long lasting, reusable, durable, dishwasher safe, and love-inducing.

Buy Beefy

Safety & Good Practice

We go out of our way to make sure our products are safe and sustainably minded, including BPA Free and Recyclable.

Beefy Mission